THE Lowly Peon's top five Super Nintendo Games

posted on September 14 @ 11:24am 2 comments . show all

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1. Super Mario World hands down. this is not questionable. and i can beat it in under 20 levels. booyah
2. Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble dixie is just so cute. and her pony tail allows her to fall ever so slowly (almost as if she had a feather in super mario)
3. Super Mario Kart and yoshi really is the best. and this is back when the rainbow road was a real race track
4. Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy Kong's Quest not as good as the third, in my opinion, but still spectacular
5. F-zero this is where racing games really began (other than mario kart)

possible others: clay fighters, bugs bunny, yoshi's cookie, simpsons - bart's nightmare, teenage mutant ninja turtles - turtles in time, shaq fu and others that i can't think of