peterdot's top five Current Albums

created by THE Lowly Peon . all elements . 5 comments

  Album Artist Points
1. Dear Science TV On The Radio 5
2. Infiniheart Chad VanGaalen 5
3. Ys Joanna Newsom 5
4. Counting Crows August And Everything After 5
5. Blackholes And Revelations Muse 5

holly's top five Current Albums

posted on October 8 @ 8:59pm 0 comments . show all

  Album Artist notes
1. Ys Joanna Newsom

sorry, i'm only posting one.. because that is how good it is, i can't stop listening to anything else but it. The Milk-Eyed Mender pretty much changed my life.. and her new album is no disappointment. suggested tracks: sawdust and diamonds, only skin, cosmia. it hasn't been released yet, but i'll hook you up if you're interested. (sawdust and diamonds has got some incredible lyrics, joanna's one amazing poet.)