peterdot's top five Fruits

created by THE Lowly Peon . all elements . 0 comments

  Fruit Points
1. Raspberries 14
2. Pineapples 14
3. Strawberries 9
4. Blackberries 6
5. Peaches 5

The Invincible Blab's top five Fruits

posted on August 17 @ 8:17pm 6 comments . show all

  Fruit   notes
1. Raspberries No doubt, this is the best food ever.
2. Blueberries Perfect snacking food
3. Watermelons When they're juicey.......
4. Strawberries Very flavorful
5. Blackberries Love them, I just wish I would have them more often.

I also like PLUMS, peaches, cherries, pineapples, oranges, apples, bananas, and really just anything else you can think of.