a small detail

i just took a shower, and whilst showering, i decided i was well overdue for a shave.

after my shower, my face was all soft and such (rather than my usual manly ruggedness), and i shaved. and holy moly! it was so comfortable! i don't usually shave after a shower (i usually shave in the morning, and shower after my evening run later in the day), but now, never again! only post shower shaves for me!

May 18, 2009 @ 8:11am . 53 views . 6 comments


Hey man, I hear you! I don't even approach a razor until I have had ten minutes of shower running over my face!

Benji! | May 18 @ 8:19am

I'm glad you have the luxury of deciding when to shave. I need to shave two or three times a day just to keep from looking like a werewolf.

Will | May 18 @ 8:21am

will...dont be jealous...yea i discovered shaving after showers as well, its great...though i havent used my razor in a year i think

Saulemander | May 18 @ 7:33pm

have you got a beard now?

THE Lowly Peon | May 19 @ 4:19am

i guess right now, but ive just been trimming with no guard once a week for the past year...

Saulemander | May 20 @ 3:53pm

you've got to grow a big ol' latvian beard. i mean no shaving, no trimming, for at least six months. if you've got the genes, you're obligated to.

THE Lowly Peon | May 21 @ 1:05am