peterdot's top five TV Shows

created by Will . all elements . 1 comments

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1. The Simpsons 17
2. Arrested Development 17
3. Seinfeld 16
4. The Office 13
5. House MD 13

holly's top five TV Shows

posted on September 11 @ 6:38pm 1 comments . show all

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1. Carnivale unfortunately HBO cancelled it after the second season. big mistake.
2. Felicity sigh
3. My So-Called Life another show that got cancelled too early, it's only got one season, but it's so great. and who wasn't in love with jordan catalano?
4. Freaks & Geeks also cancelled after one season. wtf?!?
5. Project Runway i live for wednesdays

also Grey's Anatomy and Lost should be in there. There's just not enough room for them all.


THE Lowly Peon on September 11 @ 6:41pm

hmm... interesting that three of the five have been cancelled so abruptly...