peterdot's top five TV Shows

created by Will . all elements . 1 comments

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1. The Simpsons 17
2. Arrested Development 17
3. Seinfeld 16
4. House MD 13
5. The Office 13

swabie scabbie's top five TV Shows

posted on September 11 @ 6:28pm 1 comments . show all

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1. The Show With Zefrank Giving me hope that I too can become a famous one-man show
2. The Daily Show interview with Bill O'Reily may have been the best ten minutes of t.v. I've ever seen
3. The Colbert Report this may be tied for number 2
4. The Simpsons/Family Guy come on, we all know they're really the same show
5. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Fast Forward everything cool ever is in the title alone - just imagine what the episodes are like